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The Wyoming Houndsmen Association is a non-profit organization comprised of the states Houndsmen; who are dedicated to the history and tradition of hound hunting.  The purpose of The WHA is to preserve, protect and promote the sport of hound hunting for future generations.  

Purpose of Organization

Public Education. Direct involvement with State and local officials, including the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, and other wildlife and land management agencies. To promote amateur hound hunting through education and field trials. The organization is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

Dissolution Clause

Upon the dissolution of this organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose.


  • We reserve the right to refuse membership or entry to any club sponsored hunts or events at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

  • No person shall be refused membership based on race, color, creed, religion, gender, age, or national origin.

  • Any refusal or revocation of membership will require a 2/3 majority approval by the Board of Directors.

  •  Membership will be obtained by written or electronic application with the following information and with payment of annual dues set by the Board of Directors:

    • Name

    • Telephone Number

    • Email address

  • All applications will be voted on and accepted by a simple majority of the Board of Directors

  • No applicant who has been convicted of a Game Related Felony will be accepted except by a 2/3 majority approval by the Board of Directors.

  • Any member convicted in a court of law for killing or attempting to kill game out of season or for any other reason shall be subject to having their membership revoked after review and a 2/3 majority vote by the Board of Directors.

Board of Directors

  • Board of Directors shall be elected from the general membership. All candidates must be members in good standing and residents of the State of Wyoming.  The term of each Board Member shall be three years. Any Board Member may serve multiple terms upon re-election.

  • The Board of Directors will consist of a minimum of 3 or any odd number. 

  • In the Event the number of Board members falls below the minimum of 3 members, a replacement Board Member, or Members shall be nominated by any Board Member, and voted on by the Board of Directors, the nominee shall be a current member in good standing. A simple majority vote is needed to elect new Board Member. Said member shall serve until the next regular election and may serve multiple regular 3-year terms upon re-election. Board members wishing to serve multiple terms may be retained by a yes or no vote.

  • The Board of Directors shall nominate and elect by secret ballot a President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, Youth Coordinator, Field Trial Coordinator, Social Media Coordinator, and Banquet Coordinator, to serve for the term of three years from appointment.

  • The Board of Directors shall serve as the nominating committee for all offices, and board vacancies.


Elections shall be conducted in the following manner:

  • Nominations for Board members shall be taken beginning January 1 thru January 31 every 3 years.

  • Notice of open nomination shall be posted on WHA  Social media page.

  • Nominations shall be accepted from members in good standing via e-mail, social media messaging, or US mail.

  • Nominees must be members in good standing.

  • Nominees shall be contacted to verify acceptance of nomination.

  • Voting shall take place beginning March 1st via e-mail, social media messaging, US mail or by secret ballot at the annual banquet.

  • Ballots shall be presented to members at banquet registration, a list of e-mail, social media, and mail voting shall be present at banquet registration, no ballot will be provided to any member who has voted via other means.

  • Votes may only be cast by members in good standing and each member may only cast one vote.

Removal of Board Member

  • Board members must remain in good standing during their term of service. In order to remain in good standing a board member must not be absent without cause from more than 2 board meetings or WHA functions including field trials, annual banquets, or a combination of the above, in a row or more than 4 in one calendar year. Attendance shall be in person, conference call or video conference.

  • Absent with cause shall be determined by a simple majority vote of the board with the absent board member not voting.

  • Any board member who loses standing with the WHA shall have 30 days to respond to notification of loss of standing. At the end of the 30-day period Board members in good standing shall review response if any and then vote whether to remove board member or retain as a board member.

  • A simple majority decision shall be made, and board member in question shall be notified of results in writing.

  • Any board member removed by this process shall not be eligible for nomination to the board for a period of three years from time of removal.


  • All award nominations shall come from the membership at the same time as Board Member nominations, January 1st thru January 31st.

  • A written statement shall accompany all award nominations detailing nominee's qualifications for the award.

  • Voting for all award recipients shall be done by the Board of Directors.

Financial Responsibilities

  • The President, Vice-President and Secretary shall have a bank account set up at an agreed upon bank location with all three board members listed as signers on the account.

  • All checks shall be two signature required checks.

  • A financial report shall be presented to the Board of Directors by the Secretary at least once per quarter or more frequently if requested by two or more board members.

  • All applicable federal and state taxes are to be completed yearly by the President, Vice President, or Secretary.

Field Trial

The Field Trial coordinator shall be responsible for the annual Field Trail.​​​​


The Banquet Coordinator shall be responsible for the annual fund-raising Banquet. Any items, funds, or donations submitted for the fundraising banquet may be used for any fundraiser through the year by discretion of the Banquet Coordinator.

By-Law Changes

These by-laws may be revised or added to at any time by the Board of Directors providing there is a 2/3 majority acceptance of the change.

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